Monday, January 25, 2010

Flea Market Finds in PT

This afternoon we took the girls to the "Gypsy Market" in our town. The girls wanted to replace some broken toys they had gotten there last summer. It is held once a month on the 23rd unless that falls on a weekend (then the following Monday)--we learned this after driving out to nothing on Saturday! Not sure where we got the name for it, but it seems fitting with all the random things you can find and the people yelling out how good their prices are. Even funnier when they change to English when they realize you aren't speaking Portuguese (reminded me of the Silk Market in China--"25 dollar for you my friend!").

I ended up getting some green onions, bell pepper and cucumber seedlings to plant. Scott and the girls bought Farturas (yes, don't laugh)--they are like big churros with gobs of cinnamon sugar.


And what about the girls' toys? We ended up giving them a choice. They could get the toys again or... Guess what's in the box!

We've re-entered the pet owning world. Our better-than-toys buy:

Adorable, huh?! A dwarf lion-faced female rabbit--name to be determined, but Caramel is in the runnings. Why do we always choose food names? (Two of our guinea pigs were Nacho and Noodle!) 

When we stopped to get a few rabbit supplies before heading home, Scott spotted a real flea market in the town square. Come to find out they have it the same day as the Gypsy Market monthly. YEAH--in my own town! I'd been wanting to visit one in Lisbon someday; I've been missing the Flohmarkts of Germany!

Twenty six euros of birthday money bought one side table, an old mirrored medicine cabinet, an old polk-a-dotted soup tourine and a handful of beautiful hankies. (Wish I'd included the cabinet below for you to see too!) I've already got plans for all of it!  Maybe the old chandelier if it's there next month :).


  1. Cole wants me to tell Miah and Kinley that they need a snake! No kidding. He was all sweet about the cute bunny when I showed him and then he got serious and said, "Miah and Kinney need snake". And then he said tell them that he has a fever but his heartbeat is better. He actually doesn't have a fever by the way...he just felt it was interesting news I suppose. He was actually talking about the girls the other day at the dinner table. So he misses them! Just wanted to pass along the snake news.. :) We loved hearing about your flea mkt day!

  2. The new bunny is SO cute...makes me want to go get another one :) And, I'm TOTALLY jealous of your flea market finds...why can't I find that kind of stuff here? We have to get together soon now that we're back...we enjoyed is beautiful, but too cold for our liking :)



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